Naughts and Crosses Game

DIY Naughts and Crosses game

time, materials and tools

Saw of your choice: mitre saw, circular saw, jigsaw or handsaw
Orbital sander with 120 grit sandpaper disc
Measuring tape and pencil
Stencil, paintbrush and 32mm paintbrush
Safety gear, gloves and glasses
Pine posts 69mm x 69mm +/- 700mm cut into cubes
A scrap square as base 32mm x 208mm x 208mm
Pine cover strips for edging cut to size (209mm lengths x 4)
Wood glue and two long clamps
Wood stain and white PVA Paint
Clear sealer
X and O stencils
PREP WORK befor your start making your Naughts and Crosses Game
How to build your DIY Naughts and Crosses Game
Step 1
DIY Naughts and Crosses game
Measure cubes
Use a pencil and measuring tape to mark cubes that are 69mm x 69mm.
Step 2 :
DIY Naughts and Crosses game
Using a compound saw, make straight cuts and cut 9 x cubes from the scrap pine posts.
Step 3 :
DIY Naughts and Crosses game
Lightly sand down the surfaces, then use the sander to round the corners and edges of each cube. Wipe off excess sawdust.
Step 4
DIY Naughts and Crosses game
Stain, paint and stencil
Lay out your project on a drop sheet. For this project, a natural wood stain was applied to all the cubes. Apply 2 coats for a rich finish. To mark the X and O on the cubes, make use of a stencil, and paint on the cube using a stencil brush and white paint. A clear exterior or interior sealant can be applied to the project.
Step 5
DIY Naughts and Crosses game
Make the base to hold the cubes
Cut a piece of pine wood to the size 32mm x 208mm x 208mm to hold the cubes, then cut pine cover strips to size and use wood glue to secure to the edges of the base. Stain/paint to match the cubes.